A world without autism

If autism could be cured, and if we, as a society, chose to cure it, what would that mean for our future?

How would it impact our lives, and the lives of our children (and descendants many generations down the line)?

What would society look like 50 years from now? 100 years from now, when autism (or autism-like traits) were no longer a part of our world?

3 thoughts on “A world without autism

  1. Well, I think I have a bit of the “A” myself. I think that my autistic traits are my good ones, and that if I didn’t have them, I would be quite good-for-nuthin.


  2. Getting rid of autism, and making it non-debilitating are 2 completely different issues.

    When my eldest was dx’d with NLD, she asked me what I thought he had “Asperger’s??” was my reply. I had no idea NLD existed. Her reply “No, but you probably do”. IMO, so what. Yes, I have difficulty making eye contact, I have some mild OCD that I’ve battled since highschool and an Engineering degree. Again… so what?? Same applies to my eldest son… yes, we are dealing with the anxiety, claustrophobia and the LD’s. But I would do that even if he was “normal”. I just got a warning when he was 2.5yrs old with a Mild PDD dx that something was up.

    He will be “normal”… and normal IMO means independant. Who cares if you think differently than the guy next to you?? Doesn’t everyone??

    Now, little boy is a completely different problem. NOBODY, should EVER have to live at the mercy of the system. NOBODY!! And short of a major miracle he will. That, needs a “cure”. Does it mean a brain transplant – no. But some way to get around the misfiring speech and communication wiring would be nice.


  3. I agree, farmwifetwo. It’s because the “syndrome” Dx has become a gateway to all manner of things, from acceptance to IRAs, so caution is called for.
    Autism is a package of symptoms – and I’d LOVE to get rid of some of them, viz. my 18 yo – the sib’s, the elopements (into traffic, stark naked… you get the picture), the lack of communication… sometimes it seems that what gets characterized as ASD is more like idiosyncratic behaviour – part of the variatel reality of our society.


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